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- # Danish Grade 1 Braille table
- # by Mike Sivill - <mike.sivill@viewplustechnologies.com>
- # **** Display Opcodes
- include da-dk.dis
- # ** ** Character Definition Opcodes
- include eurodefs.cti
- include countries.cti
- # **** Braille Indicators
- numsign 3456 # number sign
- letsign 56 # letter sign
- capsign 46 # capital sign
- begcaps 46-46 # double caps
- endcaps 6-3
- begital 456 # italic sign
- begbold 456
- # the decimal digits
- litdigit 1 1
- litdigit 2 12
- litdigit 3 14
- litdigit 4 145
- litdigit 5 15
- litdigit 6 124
- litdigit 7 1245
- litdigit 8 125
- litdigit 9 24
- litdigit 0 245
- # punctuation marks
- punctuation ! 256
- punctuation ? 26
- punctuation " 2356
- postpunc % 245-356-6
- sign % 245-356
- punctuation . 3
- punctuation , 2
- punctuation - 36
- always @ 5
- always & 6-12346
- punctuation ' 4
- punctuation ( 236
- punctuation ) 356
- always *** 236-35-35-35-356
- always * 236-35-356
- always // 6-35
- always / 3-4
- punctuation : 2-5
- punctuation ; 2-3
- math + 235
- math = 2356
- always > 6
- punctuation [ 5-236
- always \\ 5-2
- punctuation ] 5-356
- always ^^ 456
- always ^ 46
- punctuation \x008F 16 # double dagger
- punctuation \x2020 16 # dagger
- always _ 56
- sign \x007F 346
- sign Ç 5-14
- sign \x0081 6-2345
- sign \x0201 5-126
- #**** Alphabet
- uplow Aa 1
- uplow Bb 12
- uplow Cc 14
- uplow Dd 145
- uplow Ee 15
- uplow Ff 124
- uplow Gg 1245
- uplow Hh 125
- uplow Ii 24
- uplow Jj 245
- uplow Kk 13
- uplow Ll 123
- uplow Mm 134
- uplow Nn 1345
- uplow Oo 135
- uplow Pp 1234
- uplow Qq 12345
- uplow Rr 1235
- uplow Ss 234
- uplow Tt 2345
- uplow Uu 136
- uplow Vv 1236
- uplow Ww 2456
- uplow Xx 1346
- uplow Yy 13456
- uplow Zz 1356
- sign \x0080 5-14
- sign \x0081 5-14
- uplow \x00D8\x00F8 246 o with stroke
- uplow \x00c5\x00e5 16 A with ring above
- uplow \x00C0\x00E0 12356 a with grave
- uplow \x00C1\x00E1 12356 a with acute
- uplow \x00C2\x00E2 16 a with circumflex
- uplow \x00C3\x00E3 126 a with tilde
- uplow \x00C6\x00E6 345 ae